NKT is a novel assessment method which helps break down complex motor patterns into simple solutions to your movement problems. Simply, NKT helps us figure out why you are having difficulty doing a movement that you want to do.

You could be feeling pain, instability, poor balance, weakness or stiffness. All of these symptoms can be made sense of with the help of NKT! Sometimes itโ€™s an old muscle or joint injury. Sometimes its an old scar that is restricting movement. Sometimes its just a movement habit that isnโ€™t helpful for what you are trying to do!

The beauty of NKT is it fits right into our regular assessment methods. Just as you would normally get your strength or flexibility assessed, we just add in a specific motor control, aka movement assessment, to get a more complete picture of where you are at. This helps us to meet you where you are at so that we can take you where you want to be.

How is this pathway created? It helps us, give you, very specific exercise homework. Instead of casting a wide net (which can be helpful sometimes too!!), we focus on the main linchpin holding back your movement goals.

Please ask us more if this sounds interesting to you!