Autoregulated exercise

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TL:DR - Auto-regulation is a form of prescription that enables individuals to use their own perception of HOW MUCH effort they are exerting as a means to control their workout intensities. We generally advise most people to start with moderate intensity exercise. That being said, vigorous activity is entirely relevant and an important part of a complete physical activity program. However, we save this prescription once skill development has improved with whatever new task is being learned.


The intensity scale we will be using is relative to your individual capacity, as an individual. I will repeat that because it is arguably the most important sentence in this ENTIRE article. The intensity scale we will be using is relative to your individual capacity, as an INDIVIDUAL! The scale is called the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. It is a rating from 0-10, where 0 = no effort at all and 10 = I literally couldn’t work harder (1–3).

  • Moderate intensity – 4-6/10 on the RPE scale. In other words you are working at 40-60% of your 100% maximum effort.

  • Vigorous intensity – 7-8/10 RPE i.e. 70-80% of your 100% maximal effort.



  • Aerobic - Anything that increases your heart and respiratory rate. What is the easiest way to measure this? Breathlessness. You’re looking for that level of uncomfortable to talk to someone but you’re still able to level. This will mean you are working at 4-6/10 RPE (2,3). Double check the RPE scale earlier in the article if you need a refresher.

  • Strength - If you are either just starting out OR just getting back into it, let’s keep this as simple as we can. Whatever physical activity you choose to do try to do it at 4-6/10 effort. There is nothing wrong with going to 7+/10 ranges, but it requires a different prescription with more rest periods.

If you want to read more on specifics around physical activity prescription then check out our article here.

Stay inquisitive and do the basics well,


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Part 1: What exercises do I choose for my lower back?


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